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Rabu, 12 Juli 2017
Posted by Unknown on 02.13
As many as one thousand years ago in the southwest, the Hopi and Zuni Indians of North America were building with adobe-sun-baked brick plastered with mud. Their homes looked remarkably like modern apartement houses. Some were four stories high and contained quarters for perhaps a thousand people, along with storerooms for grain and other goods. These buildings were usually put up against cliffs, both to make construction easier and for defense against enemies. They were really villages in themselves, as later Spanish explorers must have realized since they called them “pueblos” which is Spanish for towns. (Line 5)
The people of the pueblos raised what are called “the three sisters”-corn, beans, and squash. They made excellent pottery and wove marvelous baskets, some so fine that they could hold water. The southwest has always been a dry country. Where water is scarce. The Hopi and Zuni brought water from streams to their fields and gardens through irrigation ditches. Water was so important that it played a major role in their religion. They developed elaborate ceremonies and religious rituals to bring rain. (Line 10)
The way of life of less-settled groups was simpler and more strongly influenced by nature. Small tribes such as the Shoshone and Ute wandered the dry and mountainous lands between the Rocky Montains and the Pacific Ocean. They gathered seeds and hunted small animals such as rabbits and snakes. In the far North the ancertors of today’s Inuit hunted seals, walruses and the great whales. They lived right on the frozen seas in shelters called igloos built of blocks of packed snow. When summer came, they fished for salmon and hunted the lordly caribou. (Line 15)
The Cheyenne, Pawnee, and Sioux tribes, known as the Plains Indian, lived on the grasslands between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. They hunted bison, commonly called the buffalo. Its meat was the chief food of these tribes, and its hide was used to make their clothing and the covering of their tents and tipis. (Line 20)
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The architecture of early American Indian buildings
(B) The movement of America Indians across North American
(C) Ceremonies and rituals of American Indians
(D) The way of life of American Indian tribes in early North America
2. According to the passage, the Hopi and Zuni typically built their homes?
(A) In valleys
(B) Next to streams
(C) On open plains
(D) Against cliffs
3. The word “They” in line 6 refers to?
(A) Goods
(B) Buildings
(C) Cliffs
(D) Enemies
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the dwellings of the Hopi and Zumi were?
(A) Very small
(B) Highly advanced
(C) Difficult to defend
(D) Quickly constructed
5. The author uses the phrase “the three sisters” in line 8 to refer to
(A) Hopi Women
(B) Family Members
(C) Important Crops
(D) Rain Ceremonies
6. The Word “Scare” in line 10 is closet in meaning to
(A) Limited
(B) Hidden
(C) Pure
(D) Necessary
7. Which of the following is true of the Shoshone and Ute?
(A) They were not as settled as the Hopi and Zuni
(B) They hunted caribou
(C) They built their homes with adobe
(D) They did not have many religious ceremonies
8. According to the passage, which of the following tribes lived in the grasslands?
(A) The Shoshone and Ute
(B) The Cheyenne and Sioux
(C) The Hopi and Zuni
(D) The pawnee and Inuit
9. Which of the following animals was most important to the Plains Indians?
(A) The salmon
(B) The caribou
(C) The seal
(D) The buffalo
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a dwelling place of early North Americans?
(A) Log cabins
(B) Adobe houses
(C) Tipis
(D) Igloos
Kamis, 25 Mei 2017
Posted by Unknown on 23.21
Nama Anggota
Kelompok :
1. Christiani
Octovani (11213912)
2. Febriana
Syachfitri (13213365)
3. Putri Marinur
4. Rani Avianti
5. Satriya Indra
Laksana (18213312)
Kelas 4EA19
21. Problem : the manual instruction of new TV
is missing
Solution : -
22. Problem : Her remote projector is missing
` Solution : -
23. Problem : Her coffee machine is broken
Solution : -
24. Problem : The online books can’t deliver
Solution : -
25. Problem : His delivery drinking water was
Solution : Tell her where he plays
the order
26. Problem : His printer doesn’t work
Solution : he must return the
27. Problem : her air conditioner is broken
down again
Solution : -
28. Problem : her microwave has distruction on package
28. Problem : her microwave has distruction on package
Solution : the admin will send him
some new instruction
29. Problem : her table had table pieces
missing and invoice incorect
Solution : -
30. Problem : He Got wrong part,and the nubre
tvp 202
Solution : He got a new one
32. 1. B
2. E
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. E
7. C
8. D
Part 1
1. 04.40
Part 2
2. JA327
Part 3
3. 08.25PM
4. Platform Seven
Part 4
5. 09.30 PM
6. 11.45 PM
7. PA341
8. one
Selasa, 25 April 2017
Posted by Unknown on 05.00
Taking place in 1947 (the film itself was released in 1994), the film was opened by a Morgan Freeman narrative that plays a Red character, a black man who is serving a sentence at Shawshank Prison. He was charged with murder. The film follows Andy Dufresne's story (played nicely by Tim Robbins), a banker in Maine who is accused of murdering his wife and his mistress who is a golfer. Despite his innocence, Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment. On the night when the convicts got to jail, Red and his friends were betting on who would die first because they could not stand prison life. Red also chose that Andy who will not stand, remember because he is a wealthy banker who could not be strong in living in prison. But the choice was wrong.
Favorite scene :
Taking place in 1947 (the film itself was released in 1994), the film was opened by a Morgan Freeman narrative that plays a Red character, a black man who is serving a sentence at Shawshank Prison. He was charged with murder. The film follows Andy Dufresne's story (played nicely by Tim Robbins), a banker in Maine who is accused of murdering his wife and his mistress who is a golfer. Despite his innocence, Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment. On the night when the convicts got to jail, Red and his friends were betting on who would die first because they could not stand prison life. Red also chose that Andy who will not stand, remember because he is a wealthy banker who could not be strong in living in prison. But the choice was wrong.
Favorite scene :
When he can feel the freedom just by seeing his friend drink alcohol given by the most cruel prison chief.
When andy managed to escape from prison
Posted by Unknown on 03.17
2. Because they
had spent too many time considering the new
contract, the student lost the
opportunity to lease the apartment.
Revise : Because they had spent many time considering
the new contract, the student lost the opportunity to lease the apartement
Answer : Too Karena sudah ada
3. These televisions are all
too expensivefor we to buy at this time, but
perhaps we will
return later.
Revise: These televisions are all too expensive for us to buy at
this time, but perhaps we will return leter.
Answer : we to buy diganti
menjadi us to buy.
4. After she had bought himself a
new auto mobile she sold her bicycle.
Revise : After she had bought herself a new automobile,
she sold her bicycle.
Answer : himself diganti menjadi herself.
5. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the proposal.
Revise : The next important question we have to decide is when
we have to submit the proposal
Answer : do dihilangkan.
6. George has not completed the
assignment yet, and mariahasn’t neither.
Revise : George has not completed the assignment yet, and Mario hasn’t
Answer : hasn’t neither digantikan dengan hasn’t too.
7. john decide to buy in the
morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mine.
Revise : Jhon decide to buy a new car in the morning, but in
the afternoon he changed his mind.
Answer : to buy in the morning new car digantikan dengan to buy a new car in the morning.
8. Some of the plants in
this store require very little care, but this one needs much
more sunlight
than the others ones.
than the others ones.
Revise : Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but
this one needs
much more sunlight than the others one.
much more sunlight than the others one.
Answer : others ones digantikan dengan others one.
9. After George had returned to
his house, he was reading a book.
Revise : After George returned to his house, he read a book.
Answer : Was reading diganti menjadi read.
Had returned digantikan dengan returned.
10. many theories on
conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not
one has been
as widely accepted as this one.
Revise : Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been
proposed, but no one have been as widely eccepted as this one.
Answer : Has been digantikan dengan Have been.
11. the foodthat mark is
cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.
Revise : The food that Mark’s cooking in the kitchen is smelling
Answer : Mark is cooking digantikan dengan Mark’s cooking.
12. after john eaten dinner, he
wrote several latters and went to bed.
Revise : After Jhon dinner, he wrote several letters and
went to bed.
Answer : Eaten dihilangkan.
13. the manager has finished working
on the report last night, and now she will begin to write
other proposal.
Revise : The manager finish on the report last night, and now she will
begin to write the other proposal.
Answer : has finished diganti menjadi finish.
Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017
Posted by Unknown on 23.44
Brownies merupakan kue yang tidak biasa dan tidak
asing lagi bagi lidah kita. Rasanya yang manis dan berwarna coklat menjadi
karakteistik dari kue ini. Dari pada anda membayangkan betapa enaknya jue ini,
lebih baik anda membuatnya sendiri dan sekarang juga.
Ingin membuatnya tapi belum tahu resep dan cara
pembuatannya? Tenang, kali ini saya akan berbagi resep bagaimana cara membuat
brownies kukus yang enak dengan mudah, dilengkapi gambara disetiap stepnya. Oh
ya, resep kali ini tidak kalah lembut loh dengan resep kue donat kentang dan
kue cubit. Jadi simak betul-betul step by step dibawah ini J
Bahan-bahan yang Dibutuhkan :
- 75 gram gula pasir
- 75 gram mentega
- 170 gram coklat
- 75 gram terigu
- 4 buah strawberry
- 2 butir telur
Langkah-langkah Membuat Brownies Kukus
1. Terlebih dahulu, siapkan bahan-bahan yang sudah saya sebutkan di atas seperti gula pasir, mentega, coklat, terigu, telur dan strawberry untuk hiasan brownies.
2. Kedua, masukkan 2 butir telur dan gula pasir ke dalam wadah, kemudian aduk hingga rata menggunakan mixer.
3. Aduk terus sampai adonan mengembang dan berwarna putih.
4. Setelah itu, masukkan terigu dan mentega yang telah dicairkan ke dalam adonan sambil tetap mengaduknya menggunakan mixer.
5. Sambil tetap dalam posisi mengaduk, tambahkan coklat yang telah dicairkan sebelumnya ke dalam adonan.
6. Aduk kembali adonan hingga benar-benar merata. Anda bisa menggunakan whisk untuk mengaduknya agar semua adonan tercampur rata.
7. Selanjutnya, tuangkan adonan ke dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi dengan mentega.
8. Masukkan adonan yang sudah dituangkan ke dalam loyang tadi ke dalam panci kukus. Kemudian kukus selama 30 menit dengan api yang kecil, jangan menggunakan api yang terlalu besar supaya mekarnya bisa bagus.
9. Viola! brownies kukus sudah siap dihidangkan. Anda bisa menghiasi browniesnya dengan strawberry di atasnya.
special thanks:
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016
Posted by Unknown on 21.31
Internasional (PT Freeport Indonesia)
Latar Belakang Masalah
pernyataan kuat bahwa telah terjadi distori etika dan pelanggaran kemanusiaan
yang hebat di Papua. Martabat manusia yang seharusnya dijunjung tinggi,
peradaban dan kebudayaan sampai mata rantai penghidupan jelas dilanggar. Itu
adalah fakta keteledoran pemerintah yang sangat berat karena selama ini
bersikap underestimate kepada rakyat Papua. Gagasan yang menyatakan mendapatkan
kesejahteraan dengan intensifikasi nyatanya gagal.
dua kali pekerja Freeport melakukan aksi mogok kerja sejak Juli untuk menuntut
hak normatifnya soal diskriminasi gaji, namun dua kali pula harus beradu otot.
Keuntungan ekonomi yang dibayangkan tidak seperti yang dijanjikan, sebaliknya
kondisi lingkungan dan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pertambangan terus memburuk
dan menuai protes akibat berbagai pelanggaran hukum dan HAM.
Analisis Permasalahan
hammpir seluruh pekerja PT Freeport Indonesia disebabkan karena perbedaan
indeks standar gaji yang diterapkan oleh manajemen pada operasional Freeport
diseluruh dunia. Pekerja Freeport di Indonesia diketahui mendapatkan gaji lebih
rendah dari pada pekerja Freeport di negara lain untuk level jabatan yang sama.
Gaji sekarang perjam USD 1.5-USD 3. Padahal, dibandingkan gaji di negara lain
mencapai USD 15-USD 35 perjam. Sejauh ini, perundingannya masih menemui jalan
buntu. Manajemen Freeport bersikeras menolak tuntutan pekerja, entah apa dasar
CSR kepada sedikit rakyat Papua digembor0gemborkan itu pun tidak seberapa
karena tidak mencapai 1 persen keuntungan bersih PT FI. Malah rakyat Papua
membayar lebih mahal karena harus menanggung akibat berupa kerusakan alam serta
punahnya habitat Papua yang tidak ternilai itu. Biaya reklamasi tersebut tidak
akan bisa dditanggung generasi Papua sampai tujuh turunan.
korporasi berasal dari AS, pekerja adalah bagian dari aset perusahaan. Menjaga
hubungan baik dengan pekerja adalah suatu keharusan. Sebab, di situlah terjadi
hubungan mutualisme satu dengan yang lain. Perusahaan membutuhkan dedikasi dan
loyalitas agar produksi semakin baik, sementara pekerja membutuhkan komitmen
manajemen dalam hal pemberian gaji yang layak.
dalam hal ini pantas malu. Sebab, hadirnya MNC di Indonesia terbukti tidak
memberikan teladan untuk menghindari perselisihan soal normatif yang sangat
mendasar. Kebijakan dengan memberikan diskresi luar biasa kepada PT FI,
privilege berlebihan, ternyata hanya sia-sia.
Penyelesaian Masalah yang dilakukan PT Freeport Indonesia
bicara PT Freeport Indonesia, Ramdani sirait, mengatakan bahwa manajemen
perusahaan PTFI akan berkomunikasi dengan Serikat Pekerja Seluruh indonesia
(SPSI) demi mengantisipasi ancaman aksi mogok yang dilakukan pekerja. Karena
isu aksi mogok tersebut terkait rencana pemutusan hubungan kerja terhadap tiga
orang karyawan PTFI yang melakukan intimidasi fisik kepada karyawan lainnya.
menyebutkan, terhadap intimidasi fisik yang memenuhi ketentuan PHI (Pedoman
Hubungan Industrial) Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) sebagaimana kasus tiga
karyawan yang melakukan intimidasi fisik, diproses berdasarkan ketentuan
yang tercantum dalam PKB tersebut sudah mengakomodasi aspirasi pekerja. Salah
satunya adalah adanya kenaikan upah pokok sebesar 40 persen dalam 2
tahun." Angka ini jauh di atas ketentuan rata-rata kenaikan upah pokok
nasional sebesar 10-11 persen per tahun," sambung dia.
upaya mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pada perusahaan, perusahaan sudah
membentuk Crisis Management Committee. Yaitu guna menciptakan lingkungan kerja
yang damai dan harmonis, PTFI dan pimpinan SPSI PTFI pun telah membentuk Crisis
Management Committee.
Undang-undang yang telah di Langgar
Ø PT Freeport Indonesia telah melanggar hak-hak
dari buruh Indonesia (HAM) berdasarkan UU No. 13/2003 tentang mogok kerja sah
dilakukan. PT Freeport Indonesia telah melanggar pasal:
b. Pasal 140: (1) “Sekurang-kurangnya dalam
waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kerja sebelum mogok kerja dilaksanakan, pekerja/buruh dan
serikat pekerja/serikat buruh wajib memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada
pengusaha dan instansi yang bertanggung jawab di bidang ketenagakerjaan
setempat”. (2) Pemberitahuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat 1 (satu)
sekurang-kurangnya memuat: (i) Waktu (hari, tanggal, dan jam) dimulai dan
diakhiri mogok kerja. (ii) Tempat mogok
kerja. (iii) Alasan dan sebab-sebab mengapa harus melakukan mogok kerja. (iv)
Tanda tangan ketua dan sekretaris dan/atau masing-masing ketua dan sekretaris
serikat pekerja/serikat buruh sebagai penanggung jawab mogok kerja. (3) Dalam
hal mogok kerja akan dilakukan oleh pekerja/buruh yang tidak menjadi anggota
serikat pekerja/serikat buruh, maka pemberitahuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
ayat (2) ditandatangani oleh perwakilan pekerja/buruh yang ditunjuk sebagai
koordinator dan/atau penanggung jawab mogok kerja. (4) Dalam hal mogok kerja
dilakukan tidak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1), maka demi menyelamat kan
alat produksi dan aset perusahaan, pengusaha dapat mengambil tindakan sementara
dengan cara: (i) Melarang para pekerja/buruh yang mogok kerja berada dilokasi
kegiatan proses produksi, atau (ii) Bila dianggap perlu melarang pekerja/buruh
yang mogok kerja berada di lokasi perusahaan.
Ø Pasal 22: “Setiap orang berhak atas
pekerjaan, berhak dengan bebas memilih pekerjaan, berhak akan terlaksananya
hak-hak ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya yang sangat doperlukan untuk martabat dan
pertumbuhan bebas pribadinya, melalui usaha-usaha nasional maupun kerjasama
internasional, dan sesuai dengan pengaturan sumber daya setiap negara”.
Ø PT Freeport Indonesia melanggar UU No.
11/1967 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertambangan yang sudah diubah dengan
UU No. 4/2009.
Ø Selain bertentangan dengan PP 76/2008 tentang
Kewajiban Rehabilitasi dan Reklamasi Hutan, telah terjadi bukti paradoksal
sikap Freeport.
siklus operasional Freeport, diakui atau tidak, adalah barometer penting
kestabilan politik koloni Papua. Induksi ekonomi yang terjadi dari berputarnya
mesin anak korporasi raksasa Freeport-McMoran tersebut di kawasan Papua
memiliki magnitude luar biasa terhadap pergerakan ekonomi kawasan, nasional,
bahkan global.
pembahasan diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa PT Freeport Indonesia telah
melanggar etika bisnis dan melanggar undang-undang. Hak didasarkan atas
martabat manusia dan martabat semua manusia itu sama. Karena hak sangat cocok
dengan suasana pemikiran demokratis. PT Freeport Indonesia sangat tidak etis
dimana kewajiban terhadap para karyawan tidak terpenuhi karena gaji yang
diterima tidak layak dibandingkan dengan pekerja Freeport di Negara lain.
Padahal PT Freeport Indonesia merupakan tambang emas dengan kualitas emas
terbaik di dunia.
pemerintah Indonesia cepat menanggapi masalah ini dan cepat menanggulangi
permasalahan PT Freeport Indonesia. Karena begitu banyak SDA yang ada di Papua,
tetapi masyarakat Papua khususnya dan Negara Indonesia tidak menikmati hasil
dari kekayaan alam di Papua. Jangan sampai Amerika mendapatkan semakin banyak untung
dari kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh Negara kita sendiri.